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is the enemy always gonna attack me or is there any chance for him to fail or do anything else?

Up to you. You can program the enemies to do whatever you want.

Can you have multiple party members/multiple enemies?

Yes. I had a three-enemy version running that was built on this system. The Intel Pentium Gold / 4GB ram laptop I was using could barely keep up with the GB Studio project file though, and that was only for the combat system! Never mind actually building a game with it in it, so I abandoned the idea. 

The thing that takes a lot of work are attacks that target all enemies. The way that made sense to me took too much effort to explain how it worked so I decided not to share it at the time, I think about trying to rebuild it now that I have an i7 with 16GBs.

It is totally doable though, and if you figure it out I would love to see how you did it! 

This is great but I'm pretty new at this, why are stats like HP and MP resetting after the battle? How do you get the variables to remain as they were at the end of battle?

oh and how would you make the actor disappear when you returned to the field scene?

(1 edit) (+2)

If you want the stats to stop resetting after each battle, set a variable that would prevent it from calling the script after the first time it's been called, then on player death reset that variable.

Something like:

If newgame=false

  call stats script

  set newgame=true


The same goes for the enemy. On the battle scene, if enemy HP hits zero, have it trigger a new variable. Then on the map scene, before the screen fade-in, have it deactivate the actor if that variable is true.

To set up a battle system is a bit on the intermediate side. I would recommend getting familiar with the basics of GB Studio. There's a lot of videos on YouTube, I have made a few as well. 

Kalanakila - YouTube 

I am currently working on creating a full starter kit to help people get up and running quickly, but it will be a while longer before it's ready.

If you have any other questions please don't hesitate to ask.


This is awesome, I'm trying to learn how to make a battle system like this but it's a bit confusing for a cornball like me


This looks amazing! Thank you for sharing it with us. I’m excited to learn how to create a turn-based game!


I am currently working on a monster taming game, would I be allowed to utilize this for a commercial project?

I would ask Rohan if you plan to use the graphics, other than that you can do as you please. 


Awesome job! Time saving + allows donkey brains likes mine to pass trought the complex scripting difficulties



I've been meaning to update it for a while, but I didn't get around to it.

I've updated my page with a link to this one.